Our Services

  • Shiatsu Massage

    Shiatsu is a gentle Japanese style of massage that uses acupressure along the meridian system and includes stretches. This form of bodywork is used to treat pain, digestive issues, and mental-emotional health. Shiatsu massage helps bring the body into a greater state of balance and wholeness.

  • Acupunture and Electro-Acupunture

    Acupuncture is the practice of inserting hair-thin needles into points on the body to help you heal naturally. It’s a safe, effective and science-proven medicine that’s been around for over 3,000 years. Acupuncture looks for the root cause of symptoms and sees the body as intrinsically connected to the environment and the world around us. Some of the benefits of these treatments include reducing inflammation, balancing the nervous system, improving circulation, clearing blockages, reducing pain, and improving the mental state through the release of endorphins.

    Electro-acupuncture, also referred to as “e-stim,” is similar to acupuncture, except that it involves stimulating 2 needles with an electrical current. It often feels like dull tapping and can be very effective at treating chronic pain along with many other conditions.

  • Cupping

    Cupping has been used in many East Asian cultures for thousands of years. Not only is it useful for musculoskeletal pain and injuries, but can also help recover from a cold or flu faster, break up phlegm and congestion that accompany a cough, ease digestive complaints, and serve as a nervous system relaxant for conditions like anxiety.

  • Moxibustion

    ​​Moxibustion, also known as “moxa” involves burning the Chinese medicinal herb, Mugwort, at certain points of the body to create warming & stimulate “qi” & blood flow at the point and along the meridian. This adjacent therapy is beneficial for pain due to injury or arthritis, “cold- conditions” where the pain naturally feels relief from application of heat. Moxa is also used for digestive complaints, as well as Gynecological and obstetrical conditions, including breech presentation in late term pregnancy.

  • Lifestyle and Nutrition Management

    The lens of Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine is rooted in how we exist amongst nature, and how our health is impacted by our lifestyle choices. Sleep patterns, diet, movement, or living a sedentary lifestyle can dramatically impact our health. In order to obtain optimal effects from receiving acupuncture, it is prudent to modify lifestyle choices.

  • Gua Sha

    Gua Sha involves gently "scraping" the skin with a tool that is made out of porcelain, jade, or metal. This traditional modality is used in a similar fashion to cupping to relieve muscular adhesions, but can sometimes be preferable for contoured areas such as the neck.