Below are common frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via email.

I look forward to working with you! 

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient system of complementary medicine that’s worked to keep people healthy for over 3,000 years. Acupuncture is the gentle insertion of hair-thin needles at key points on the body. These needles interact with the fascial network (our internal messenger system) to alter brain chemistry and stimulate internal responses, such as regulating hormones like cortisol, releasing pain-relieving endorphins, increasing circulation, reducing inflammation and more. Primary acupuncture benefits include managing pain, digestion, sleep and hormone-related health--as well as mental health issues like stress, anxiety and depression.

What is acupuncture good for?

○ PREVENT // Let’s start by busting a myth. You don’t need to be sick or injured to see some serious benefits from acupuncture. In fact, regular maintenance is a powerful way of keeping you healthy. If you’re busy and always on the go with zero time to get sick, acupuncture is a great way to ward off fatigue, soothe sore muscles, minimize stress + anxiety and majorly boost immunity.

○ HEAL // Acupuncture has healed for millennia, and been clinically proven to treat hundreds of medical conditions. Major areas that can be healed by acupuncture: pain (literally from head to toe, but more commonly neck, back + shoulder pain plus migraines, sciatica, neurological disorders), women’s health (PMS, fertility + menopause), asthma, digestion, insomnia and men’s health (sex drive + erectile dysfunction). In addition to addiction, mental health, allergies and more. 

Will it hurt?

Treatments are designed with your comfort and relaxation in mind. When the needles are put in, it’s common to feel nothing at all. Sometimes, there’s a brief dull ache or warm sensation. Most people report how relaxed they are during the treatment, often falling asleep.  Personally, I feel that an acupuncture nap is the nap to end all naps (welcome to acu-land). Be warned: you may never nap this well again… When the treatment is over, you’ll barely notice when the needles come out. And chances are you’ll be so blissed out you won’t even feel it at all. Post-treatment, you should feel calm and relaxed at a minimum--and pat yourself on the back for taking the time to invest in your health. The rest of how it will feel depends on your particular health needs and treatment.

What's with those marks?!

Both cupping & gua sha can leave therapeutic Petechiae (bruise like marks) on the body for a few days after treatment. Generally these marks fade within 1-7 days. Keep in mind though that it does not hurt to get these therapies done. The marks vary in color from light pink to a deep red. The lighter the mark, the faster it fades. And some people won’t see any marks at all. To make them go away faster: drink lots of water, get a massage, apply arnica, do some cardio or relax in a hot bath with Epsom salts.

Is acupuncture safe?

Relatively few complications from using acupuncture have been reported. Complications can result from use of nonsterile needles and improper delivery of treatments. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates acupuncture needles as medical devices for use by licensed practitioners and requires that needles be manufactured and labeled according to certain standards. For example, the FDA requires that needles be sterile, nontoxic, and labeled for single use by qualified practitioners only. The risks of acupuncture are low but on a rare occasion, acupuncture can cause adverse effects such as pneumothorax. 

How often should I get acupuncture?

You can’t OD on acupuncture. In general, once a week or every other week, will do the trick. It is recommended you get acupuncture once a month at a minimum to keep up the effects and use it preventatively. Each patient is different, and a custom treatment plan will be made at our initial visit. 

What should I wear?

Preferably, loose and comfortable clothing. However, you will have the opportunity to undress privately and be draped according to the areas that we will work on.

What is tongue diagnosis?

We know it sounds wild, but it’s true. Acupuncturists are trained to read tongues to gather important health information. Tongue diagnosis isn’t mandatory, it just provides extra information based on certain health complaints. Open up and say ahhhh!

What is pulse diagnosis?

A traditional Chinese medical practice where the practitioner will feel the pulse for health information. It’s not only about the frequency of the pulse, but also the quality. Pulse diagnosis isn’t mandatory, but it can help shed more light on what is happening in your body.

Can I get acupuncture if I am pregnant or breast-feeding?

Yes! In fact, it is encouraged during pregnancy because it can help with nausea, morning sickness, lower back pain, anxiety, insomnia and pre-baby jitters--not to mention that it’s a much-needed moment of “me time.” Acupuncture is also great after pregnancy for exhaustion, balancing hormone levels, depression and anxiety. It’s the perfect little escape for mamas and mamas-to-be.